COVID-19 Back-to-Work Solutions from Ashton Benefits

June 10, 2020 at 4:00 AM

Now that the workforce is returning to the office after the COVID-19 pandemic, it's important that you start preparing now. Here's how to get ready and nurture your team back into the workplace. 

Introduce a Staff Status Check

You need an online dashboard to keep track of your employees and monitor their COVID-19 status.  A dashboard allows you to: 

  • Ensure that every department has the cover it needs to operate
  • Identify any COVID-19 infections and undertake contact tracing
  • Monitor vulnerable employees who may still be working remotely 

Our dashboard gives you the tools you need to monitor employee health and anticipate potential staffing problems before they arise. 

Focus on Business Continuity 

Business continuity should be a top priority. Why? Because if there’s a second wave of COVID-19 infections, you must be prepared to cope with the inevitable disruption. Once you’ve got your dashboard up and running, start thinking about:

  • Remote working options
  • Supply chain management
  • Temporary staff cover and employee support

Upgrade Your Insurance

Now is the time to make sure you have appropriate insurance in place to cover all business eventualities. Our team can guide you through the various insurance and benefits packages available to cover your unique situation. Contact us now to find out more.  

Follow Health Guidelines 

It’s vital that you follow the health guidelines for your state. The specialists at Ashton Benefits can ensure that you:

  • Know which rules apply to your business
  • Understand any insurance implications 
  • Follow the appropriate health and safety guidelines  
  • Comply with the rules at all times

Let us help you navigate this complex and rapidly evolving situation. 

Roll Out a Wellness Program

At Ashton Benefits, we understand the importance of a healthy, thriving workforce. Help your employees protect their well-being by rolling out a mental and physical health program that promotes a work-life balance, self-care, and regular exercise. 

Make sure you're available to discuss any ongoing health concerns your employees have. Some may be anxious about returning to the office, and it's important that they feel supported each step of the way. 

Get Support

If there's one way to get your return-to-work initiative off to the right start, it's by partnering with a specialist HR firm like Ashton Benefits. With the support of our industry-leading software tools and integrations, you can:

  • Instantly monitor your compliance 
  • Track vital business metrics 
  • Store your company policies, including your COVID-19 and back-to-work guidelines, in the one place 
  • Monitor staff absence levels and COVID-19 infections across the office 
  • Easily onboard new staff 
  • View your payroll instantly 

Most importantly, you can focus on running your business and staying ahead of the competition without worrying over HR concerns. 

We Can Manage Your HR Needs

Based in Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Ashton Benefits offers bespoke HR management solutions for companies across the US. By embracing the latest in HR technology, our highly experienced market advisors can offer a comprehensive range of services to help you stay competitive and in control of your company's future. For more information on our back-to-work solutions, and to explore our benefits packages, contact us now. 

Want More Advice?

Click the button below to download our Return To Work Resource Guide For Employers!